How Much Does Render Cost?

2024-09-25T08:51:35+00:00September 10th, 2024|NEWS, UPDATES|

Are you looking for a clear answer on what the average costs of rendering are?  Well, you're in the right place. Rendering is a very popular external finish used in construction and renovation to increase aesthetic appeal and provide many key functional benefits to buildings.  Actually receiving a clear answer to the question of "how [...]

Proud return to stunning Peterborough scheme….

2024-08-01T08:13:53+00:00January 28th, 2022|NEWS, UPDATES|

In all the years we’ve been supplying and installing our Monocouche XF system this stunning Peterborough scheme remains one of our favourites and we are delighted to have been asked to return to complete the exiting new and larger second phase in 2022. The first [...]

Ashlar detailing exceeds all expectations….

2024-08-01T08:27:46+00:00January 28th, 2022|NEWS, UPDATES|

The architect assigned to this Beaconsfield property was adamant on the implementation of really prominent ashlar groove detailing with a depth and similar width of circa 30mm around the entire ground floor and we quickly realised that this wouldn’t be possible in our Monocouche XF [...]


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